One Orthodox Dean said that he sang his way into Orthodoxy. The author has started with the Chronicles of Narnia and made a journey into Holy Orthodoxy. Here is some of the beauty he has seen along the way.
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Sample chapter: A Pilgrimage from Narnia.
The truth of the matter can sometimes be very different from what we expect.
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Sample chapter: Money.
Some people may be intimidated by a book that's an inch-and-a-half thick, especially if they are not familiar with the author. For interested parties, the slender volume of A small taste of Jonathan's Corner may provide a very gentle introduction.
See on Amazon: Kindle $1, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Angelic Letters.
He created them male and female: it was an apocalyptic sign given to a saint that men would wear long hair and be indistinguishable from women. (Anyone up for the sexlessness called "androgyny"?)
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Sample chapter: Knights and Ladies.
It may be that many traditionally Orthodox lands profited from Fr. Seraphim's work, but he harms Western converts who get caught up with him and make him their polestar.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
(Warning: this book has received at least two five-star reviews that have gone live Amazon and then vanished without a trace. Please do not feel hurt, or offended, if you post a meaningful, positive review and it gets censored. If that happens and you email it to me, I may post it under the "editorial reviews" section.)
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Sample chapter: QUICK! What's Your Opinion About Chemistry?
The Best of Jonathan's Corner is the flagship not only of this site's works of theology, but all of its works.
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Sample chapter: Doxology.
The basic Westeren academic understanding of "religion and science" is flawed. This book briefly looks at that debate, and suggested another dimension to explore: that of "technology and faith."
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Sample chapter: "Religion and Science" Is Not Just Intelligent Design vs. Evolution
The Luddite's Guide to Technology is one of the author's three major critiques (the other two are The Seraphinians: "Blessed Seraphim Rose" and His Axe-Wielding Western Converts and Orthodoxy and Contraception).
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Technonomicon: Technology, Nature, Ascesis.
This written after the author was told that contraception was permitted by the Orthodox Church if you get a blessing and follow a few rules. Then, years later, the author found a very nasty surprise by an academic who happened to be a formal member of the Orthodox Church and made a revisionist account in a journal that was ecumenist enough to have "Ecumenical" in its title. To use programmer slang, the discovery was what is called "buried treasure", meaning it is something that "needs to be dug up and removed." The core article in this case is saved for posterity, in more ways than one!
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Sample chapter: Contraception, Orthodoxy, and Spin Doctoring: A Look at an Influential but Disturbing Article.
We live in hard times that may be getting harder. But God works in hard times as well as easy ones. God reigns and cares in both, and some have said that his Providence is the more magnificent in hard times. You are invited to read the sample chapter.
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Sample chapter: God the Spiritual Father.
These hymns and poems are really prayers.
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Sample chapter: Doxology.
There is an old Orthodox tradition of distilling the Fathers into short nuggets of wisdom. These works are meant to follow in their footsteps.
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Sample chapter:: The Best Things in Life Are Free.
A look at what lens we may see nature with besides that provided by science.
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Sample chapter: Animals.
Real and malevolent dragons exist: witness the red dragon with seven heads and ten horns in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Part of fighting that dragon, if immediately a small part, is in polemics where one can both agree and disagree.
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Sample chapter: An Orthodox Looks at a Calvinist Looking at Orthodoxy.
This dystopian science fiction novel never mentions "Hell"; and speaks of "the Heavens", meaning space or the sky, but never "Heaven" where saints will reign with Christ... but it is on all counts a journey from Hell to Heaven.
See on Amazon: hardcover $40, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Yonder.
See on Amazon: hardcover $40, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Sign of the Grail)
This written after the author was told that contraception was permitted by the Orthodox Church if you get a blessing and follow a few rules. Then, years later, the author found a very nasty surprise by an academic who happened to be considered part of the Orthodox Church and made a revisionist account in a journal that was ecumenist enough to have "Ecumenical" in its title. To use programmer slang, the discovery was what is called "buried treasure", meaning it is something that "needs to be dug up and removed."
See on Amazon: write a review.
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Sample chapter: Contraception, Orthodoxy, and Spin Doctoring: A Look at an Influential but Disturbing Article.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Most Politically Incorrect Sermon in History: A Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Arena.
Perhaps the truest poems the author has written are really prayers, and the truest prayers the author has written are really poems. You are invited to read this collection.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Hymn to the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
A look at the divine glory through the practical lens of suffering and hardship.
See on Amazon: hardcover $40, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Silence: Organic Food for the Soul.
Protestants bring the concept of an origins position into Orthodoxy; but Orthodoxy is hardly the debate's native soil. This is a collection of individual posts to represent the issue (or non-issue) that science presents Ortodoxy on origins questions.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Creation and Holy Orthodoxy: Fundamentalism Is Not Enough.
A few hand-picked favorites in theology
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Sample chapter: Exotic Golden Ages and Restoring Harmony with Nature: Anatomy of a Passion.
Giftedness is a delicate subject: some people are every bit interested in the experiences at different levels, and some people finding bring the topic up to simply be offensive. This book is not meant as a gambit for popularity, but to be useful in an area where roadmaps are hard to find.
See on Amazon: Paperback $20, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Wagon, the Blackbird, and the Saab.
This is probably the most eclectic bundle of musings this site offers. Highlights include "Physics" and in particular "The Angelic Letters."
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Arena.
My first technical book, included here for completeness. It was a bit rough, but I managed to improve enough with the second title Packt Publications (my publisher) graciously allowed me to write. (My second title, Reactive Programming with JavaScript, has apparently selling like hotcakes
See on Amazon: Paperback, Kindle, preview, write a review.
This book took Ambrose Bierce's title The Devil's Dictionary for inspiration and model. Read a page and you will enjoy the laughter; read fifty pages at one sitting and you will be drained. Some readers consider this title my best work. (I'd like to know why!)
See on Amazon: hardcover $40, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Hayward's Unabridged Dictionary.
This collection includes the more major science fictio works the author has written.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
Sample chapter: Within the Steel Orb.
The Arthurian legends offer one of the most enduring legacies of medieval literature. This text explores some legends, delves into telling stories patterned after the craft of medieval European masters, and then moves on to something still deeper.
See on Amazon: Paperback $12, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: "Physics".
This was an attempt at a Christian role-playing game. It is presented here for curiosity's sake. Good players might make the game work, but the author has moved on to other interests.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Espiritcthus: Cultures of a Fantasy World Not Touch by Evil.
The title chapter was inspired, however crudely, by The Canterbury Tales, and touches on other topics including Orthodoxy and heterodoxy.
See on Amazon: hardcover $40, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Stephanos.
This anthology treats several areas related to giftedness, and turns A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court on its head and looks at a medieval genius transported to our future.
See on Amazon: hardcover $40, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Monastery.
The novel in this collection was intended to provide a fantasy setting inspired by the patristic Greek East rather than the medieval Latin West. The volume includes the short story / Socratic dialog Within the steel orb, and both are additionally a treatment of giftedness.
See on Amazon: hardcover $40, Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Steel Orb.
Perhaps the most interesting part is what it has to say about effective negotiation.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Theory of Alien Minds: A UX* Copernican Shift.
For children of all ages.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Janra Ball: The Headache.
A subtle jokebook with jokes on various topics
See on Amazon: Kindle $3 write a review.
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Sample chapter: Archdruid of Canterbury Visits Orthodox Patriarch.
An assortment of reflections, musings, and essays touching on Christianity.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
Friendly, Win-Win Negotiation: Interest-Based Negotiation and Getting to Yes)This book has at least one one-star review from a reader who expected a secondary source rather than actual Socratic dialog. Notwithstanding, a reader who is interested in Socratic dialog may appreciate the title.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Plato: The Allegory of the... Flickering Screen?
A collection of poems and literature lovingly written in Elizabethan English, plus the novel The Sign of the Grail (which includes passages in medieval English).
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: Why This Waste?
This is a technical book that took an obscure, but very powerful, approach to programming, transformed the theory to something that ordinary programmers can understand (instead of saying, "This is all over my head! I don't have a PhD in computational math in the past five years"), and documented a very powerful view framework for others to use.
See on Amazon: ebook, preview, write a review.
Sometimes an author's earliest works can be very interesting. This volume has some of the first sparks that would result in this website.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: A Dream of Light.
Various works relating to the medieval; the author has read medieval literature extensively, sometimes in the original, but this collection represents fantasy above historical fiction.
See on Amazon: Kindle $3, write a review.
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Sample chapter: The Spectacles.